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Gotrek & Felix
A Gotrek & Felix novel
In the sun-bleached deserts of what once the land of Nehekhara, Gotrek and Felix are captured by the undead Queen Khalida and forced to aid her against her enemies in a war that will take them into the heart of the Land of the Dead.
Stories set in the Land of the Dead are few and far between, and those featuring the infamous Khalida are even rarer! And in this tale, seeing Gotrek forced to work for someone he'd rather see dead is most amusing indeed…
Gotrek and Felix: unsung heroes of the Empire, or nothing more than common thieves and murderers? The truth perhaps lies somewhere in between, and depends entirely upon whom you ask…
Travelling to the mysterious south in search of a mighty death, the Slayer Gotrek Gurnisson and his human companion, Felix Jaeger, find themselves caught up in a battle between warring kingdoms. Captured by the sinister Queen Khalida and forced to do her bidding, the adventurers must brave the horrors of the sun-soaked Land of the Dead... And the dead do not rest easy.
Written by Josh Reynolds