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Cardinal Crimson: Book 2


Cardinal Crimson: Book 2

Religious fanaticism has always had a firm stranglehold on the towering hive city of Necromunda. Foremost amongst these fanatics is Cardinal Crimson and he's setting out on a new crusade to hunt down a newcomer to the hive, a man who knows secrets that could finish Crimson forever.

We meet Kal Jerico's brutal and acid bathed arch nemesis, the Cardinal Crimson. This might be Jerico's most difficult bounty yet as he evades fanatic zealots and gangs to answer an invitation he can't refuse.


With a billion people literally living on top of each other, religious fanaticism has always had a firm stranglehold on the towering hive city of Necromunda. Foremost amongst these fanatics is Cardinal Crimson and he's setting out on a new crusade to hunt down a newcomer to the hive, a man who knows secrets that could finish Crimson forever. Once again it's down to the dashing Kal Jerico and his companions to save the day.

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