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A Necromunda novel

When a stranger comes to town, the local religious zealots see an opportunity to put the man's forgery skills to nefarious use. But is the stranger all he seems and is revenge the only thing he's interested in forging?

This story is drenched in mystery, and provides a deep insight into House Cawdor's affiliation with the Crusade of the Red Redemption. While most Necromunda stories feature multiple gangs, this one gives an inside look at one house and their mafia-style extortion.


In the nightmare industrial underworld of Necromunda, brutal gangs clash in desperate battles to increase their standing with the rich decadent families who occupy the uppermost spire of their teeming hive city. When a stranger comes to town, the local religious zealots see an opportunity to put the man's forgery skills to nefarious use. But is the stranger all he seems and is revenge the only thing he's interested in forging?

Written by Matt Keefe

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