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Hammer and Bolter : Issue 13

Hammer and Bolter

Hammer and Bolter : Issue 13

About Hammer and Bolter

Hammer & Bolter is Black Library’s monthly fiction magazine. Each issue is packed with all-new short stories, serialised novels, interviews, previews and more.

In this issue:

1st Chapter of a Hammer & Bolter exclusive serialised novel.

Reparation by Andy Smillie - Andy Smillie returns with his first Warhammer 40,000 story, ‘Reparation’, the tale of two Space Marines trapped in the fighting pits of the Dark City. But are they who they seem to be?

Extract from Deliverance Lost - A Horus Heresy novel by Gav Thorpe

Dead Calm by Josh Reynolds - Josh Reynolds heads to Marienburg to showcase the Knights of the Order of Manann, servants of the sea god.

Lesser Evils by Tom Foster - An Inquisitorial task force infiltrate a prison to free a captive.

Audio extract from The Outcast Dead - A Horus Heresy audiobook, based on Graham McNeill's novel.

Hunted by Braden Campbell - Imperial Guard stalk tau fire warriors on a contested world.

Hammer and Bolter: Issue Thirteen is presented in a 'ZIP' file format, as it contains an MP3 extract from The Outcast Dead. In order to download this product to any devices, it must first be downloaded to a computer, unzipped, and the files extracted. They can then be transferred across to any devices as normal.

Hammer and Bolter’s second year begins with four short stories, extracts from forthcoming Horus Heresy novels and the first chapter of a brand new serialised novel.
