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The War for Rynn's World

Space Marine Battles

The War for Rynn's World

A Space Marine Battles omnibus

When the ork hordes of the warlord Snagrod, Arch Arsonist of Charadon, lay waste to the planet of Badlanding and devastate the Crimson Fists force sent to stop them, Chapter Master Kantor is forced into a desperate defence of the Fists home planet, Rynn's World.

This is the dramatic story of the defining moment in the story of the Crimson Fists Chapter: orks versus Space Marines action at its brutal best.

When the ork hordes of the warlord Snagrod lay waste to the planet of Badlanding and devastate the Crimson Fists force sent to stop them, Chapter Master Kantor is forced into a desperate defence of the Fists home planet, Rynn's World. But tragedy strikes. An errant missile destroys the Space Marines' fortress-monastery, killing most of their number outright. With a handful of battered survivors in tow, Kantor must cross a continent if he is to have any hope of defeating Snagrod's orks and preventing his Chapter's total annihilation.


Rynn's WorldCulling the Horde and Pedro Kantor: The Vengeful Fist by Steve Parker
Traitor's Gorge and The Few by Mike Lee
Also includes a colour section featuring maps and artwork

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