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Vengeful Spirit: Book 29

The Horus Heresy Novels

Vengeful Spirit: Book 29

A Horus Heresy novel

Warmaster Horus leads his Legion to attack the Knight world of Molech – home of House Devine and stronghold of the Imperial Army. What will he sacrifice in pursuit of his destiny?

He's been in the shadows since the opening trilogy, but it's finally time for Horus to reclaim his place at the forefront of his Heresy. And his plan is so jaw-droppingly audacious that it'll change the way you think about him forever...

Once the brightest star in the Imperium and always first among his primarch brothers, Horus has dragged the Space Marine Legions into the bloodiest conflict that the galaxy has ever seen. While their allies wage war on a thousand different fronts, the XVIth Legion descend upon the Knight world of Molech - home to the ruling House Devine, and a principal stronghold of the Imperial Army. The forces loyal to the Emperor stand ready to defy the Warmaster, but just what could have drawn Horus to attack such a well defended planet, and what might he be willing to sacrifice to fulfill his own dark destiny?

Written by Graham McNeill

The audiobook edition has a running time of approximately 15 hours and is read by Gareth Armstrong.