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Advent Calendar 2018: Day Nine
Pursuing an alien ship into a warp anomaly, the Iron Hands encounter a vision of their own future that could be their undoing.
It's a chilling tale, and one that has the weight of tragedy, as Ferrus Manus makes a discovery that could avert the hideous fate awaiting him – but only if he doesn't lose his head…
At the height of the Great Crusade, the Fist of Iron, the mighty flagship of the Iron Hands Space Marine Legion, pursues an ork cruiser into the pull of a dangerous warp rift. A rare phenomenon, little is known about the rift, but Ferrus Manus, who commands the powerful warship, is about to learn more than he wishes as something emerges from the rift. Something impossible. An Iron Hands warship that seems to be from the future…
Written by David Guymer