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The Final Compliance of Sixty-Three Fourteen

Quick Reads

The Final Compliance of Sixty-Three Fourteen

A Horus Heresy short story

As Horus grinds the Imperium beneath his boot, emissaries from the XVIth Legion return to worlds sworn to the Warmaster during the Great Crusade to have them renew their fealty. With the Sons of Horus already at battle readiness over Sixty-Three Fourteen, a grim decision must be made...

Witness the brutal methods of re-conquest enacted by the Warmaster and the Traitor Legions as the war for humanity wages on. This Quick Read is a fascinating look at the changes the war has wrought in Horus and the way he is viewed by the Imperium's defenders.

As Horus grinds the Imperium beneath his boot, emissaries from the XVIth Legion return to worlds sworn to the Warmaster during the Great Crusade to have them renew their fealty. With the Sons of Horus already at battle readiness over Sixty-Three Fourteen, a grim decision must be made...

Written by Guy Haley.

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