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Wolf Mother

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Wolf Mother

A Horus Heresy short story

Alivia Sureka and the Knight Errant Severian forge an uneasy alliance, in order to root out the Slaaneshi serpent cult that threatens the civilian refugees fleeing from Molech...

This is a tense rescue mission. The immortal Alivia Sureka teams up with the Space Marine Severian to fight a wicked Serpent God cult. They're the perfect team, mixing superb hunting prowess with ferocious fighting. And Sureka's actions to save her daughter really drive the moral home - don't step between a wolf and her cub.

Aboard the Molech's Enlightenment, amongst the countless civilian refugees that fled the Warmaster's invasion, a serpent makes its nest. The Chaos cult that brought House Devine to its knees lives on, preying upon the weak and the helpless, and it falls to Alivia Sureka to root out the evil that hides in plain sight. Luckily for her, she has an ally who is more than familiar with such tactics the lone wolf Knight Errant, Severian.

Written by Graham McNeill. This story is also available in Blades of the Traitor.

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