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A Warhammer 40,000 novel
The crew of the Baneblade Cortein's Honour are attached to a Shadowsword company. and thrown into a battle for the fate of entire star systems.
Guy Haley returns to tank action in a new tale of Honoured Lieutenant Bannick and his crew, weaving a tight and twisty tale as they face not only cunning enemies, but their own doubts about mankinds place in the galaxy.
Arriving in the Geratomro warzone, Honoured Lieutenant Bannick and the crew of the Baneblade Cortein’s Honour are assigned as close support to a company of Shadowsword Titan hunters as they find themselves thrust into a deadly battle for the fate of three star systems. New and deadly allies throw into doubt all that Bannick has been told of the Imperium, while threatening not only his life, but also his soul...
Written by Guy Haley