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The Lords of Borsis

Quick Reads

The Lords of Borsis

A Necrons short story

On the necron tomb world of Borsis, Overlord Turakhin faces unrest. His vassals plot against him and even his sworn protectors show signs of disloyalty...

This Quick Read prequels the World Engine novel, introducing the main necron characters, several of whom are quite mad. In fact, this particular necron Dynasty are unaware that their living flesh has been replaced with immortal metal, and the treacherous and deadly politics of the ancient necrontyr race continue unabated.


On the necron tomb world of Borsis, Overlord Turakhin, the world's complacent and introspective ruler, faces unrest. His vassals plot against him and even his sworn protectors show signs of disloyalty. As other tomb worlds rise to reclaim the lost necron empire, Turakhin's foes ally to unseat him and return Borsis to its full glory as the weapon of mass destruction known as the World Engine.

Written by L J Goulding. This story is a prequel to the Space Marine Battles novel The World Engine.

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