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Many are the secrets of the Legiones Astartes, but few are as dark as those of the descendants of Sanguinius, angelic primarch of the Blood Angels.
Delve into the heart of the sons of Sanguinius's curse, as a Chaplain of the Angels Sanguine - responsible for shepherding those who have fallen to the Black Rage - must account to an inquisitor for the death of many of his battle-brothers. His story is filled with action and intrigue in equal measure.A short story by C S Goto (from The Book of Blood)
Many are the secrets of the Legiones Astartes, but few are as dark as those of the descendants of Sanguinius, angelic primarch of the Blood Angels. In this classic story of honour and despair, author CS Goto examines what happens when nobility of purpose is chained to a genetic legacy of blood and madness.