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Celebrate the war to reclaim the Mortal Realms with digital wallpapers of the cover art from Black Library's
Within this download you will receive wallpapers of the following sizes:, 320x480 - iPhone & other mobile phones, 1024x1024 - iPad, 1024 x 768, 1280 x 800, 1280 x 1024, 1440 x 900, 1680 x 1050, 1920 x 1080, 1920 x 1200, 2560 x 1440.
War Storm (Diana Martinez): An iconic image of the initial clashes in the Mortal Realms as the gold-clad heroes of the Hammers of Sigmar take on Korghos Khul's crimson-clad Goretide.
Ghal Maraz (Mac Smith): The twisted daemonic servants of the Plague God ambush the silver Stormcasts of the Hallowed Knights in the Realm of Life in this action-packed artwork.
Hammers of Sigmar (Paul Dainton): A titanic clash takes centre stage on this cover, as a Retributor of the Hammers Sigmar takes his, well, hammer, to a monstrous Bloodthirster!
Call of Archaon (Antonio Luis): Archaon's warhost stretches across a vast plain in this iconic artwork, with his Varanguard at the fore, riding fast and ready to deal death in the Everchosen's name.
Wardens of the Everqueen (Oleg Leshiy Shekhovtsov): The shining warriors of the Hallowed Knights assemble, ready to meet their foes, in a classic image if a Stormhost preparing for war.
Warbeast (Alexandre Chaudret): Another image of the Hallowed Knights adorns this art, with them facing the verminous skaven in a sinister, green-tinged atmosphere of decay.
Fury of Gork (Pedro Nunez): Waaagh! A warhost of Orruk Ironjawz Gore-Gruntaz charge down some very unlucky Stormcast Eternals in this kinetic and brutal piece.
Bladestorm (Akim Kaliberda): It's more Ironjawz here, as a massive horde of Gore-Gruntaz charges across the plain. Did we say massive? See how the Orruks stretch out into infinity…
Mortarch of Night (Roma Kupriyanov): Those ever-popular silver-and-gold armoured Hallowed Knights return to the focus, striking down deadly Nurgle Rotbringers with Sigmar's fury.
Lord of Undeath (Mac Smith): It's a duel that could only take place in the Age of Sigmar – a Knight-Azyros's warding lantern blazes Sigmar's light onto the Mortarch Neferata.