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Krenkha Gorogna

Quick Reads

Krenkha Gorogna

A Drekki Flynt Short Story

Tales of the swashbuckling Kharadron pirate Drekki Flynt are told far and wide – and if they're not, he'll make sure to tell them himself…

Read It Because
It's another action-packed tale of Drekki Flynt, Kharadron mercenary captain extraordinaire!

The Story
When Drekki Flynt finds himself captured by a band of vicious grots, the swashbuckling Kharadron rogue delays his execution by recounting the gripping tale of how he rescued his ogor crewman from hobgrot slavers – but before his story reaches its end, he'll need to hatch an ingenious plot to secure his own escape!

Written by Guy Haley

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