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Summer of Reading 2019 – Day 4
Three youths of the Untamed Beasts hunt a monster in the wilds of the Bloodwind Spoil – but not all of them will return unscathed from their adventure.
Delve into the culture of the Untamed Beasts, one of the Chaos warbands from Warcry, and discover how they earn their names and their glory.
Many are the perils of the Bloodwind Spoil – and great are the rewards for those who can hunt and bring down one of the great Chaos-touched beasts of that infernal land. For Dhyer, Open Skies and Fleet-foot. a trio of youths seeking to make their names among the Untamed Beasts, the hunt is on – but not all of them will return to their tribe unscathed, and only one can truly claim the glory of the kill.
Written by Sarah Cawkwell