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A Warhammer Age of Sigmar story
As the taint of Chaos spreads across the Realm of Life, the sylvaneth of Clan Arleath set out to defend their lands from the vicious ratmen of the Clans Pestilens.
It delves into the heart of the forests, and shows a sylvaneth-eye view of the War of Life, featuring the Everqueen herself!
As the taint of the Plague God's corruption spreads across Ghyran, the defenders of the forests seek physical foes against which they can take out their fury. In the Wrathwaters of Glade Winterleaf, the ratkin of the skaven Clans Pestilens spread across the lands, defiling all they touch. Leafmaster Diraceth of Clan Arleath leads his fellow sylvaneth in defence of their realm, and battle is joined – a battle in which the Everqueen herself will play a vital role.
Written by Gav Thorpe
This story is also available in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar anthology Legends of the Age of Sigmar: Sylvaneth.