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Warriors of Ultramar

Warhammer 40,000

Warriors of Ultramar

Audiobook 2 of the Chronicles of Uriel Ventris

The Great Devourer is descending on the world of Tarsis Ultra, but to defeat the xenos horrors, Captain Uriel Ventris may have to embark upon a dangerous and unorthodox mission.

It's a classic tale of the Space Marines against tyranids... with a twist. Conventional tactics fail, the Ultramarines way of war is insufficient... but if he uses other means to win the war, Uriel Ventris may lose far more.


The Ultramarines are the epitome of a Space Marine Chapter. Warriors without peer, their name is a byword for discipline and honour, and their heroic deeds are legendary. The Great Devourer is descending on the world of Tarsis Ultra, a world under the protection of the Ultramarines. Captain Uriel Ventris and his warriors - allied with their barbaric cousins from the Mortifactors Chapter - rally the forces of the planet to defend against the tyranids. But to defeat the xenos horrors, Uriel may have to turn his back on the Ultramarines' teachings and embark upon a dangerous and unorthodox mission.

Written by Graham McNeill. Narrated by Bruce Mackinnon. Audio running time 10 hours 6 minutes.

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