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An Adeptus Titanicus story
It's Titan war! With a vastly superior group of Chaos-tained Warlord Titans wreaking havoc on their allies, Battle Group Indictus – a handful of Reavers and Warhounds – must find a way to defeat the corrupted daemon-machines and save a world.
It's little (well, relatively) Titans vs big Titans powered by daemonic forces, with an ancient grudge thrown in for good measure.
War has come to Placia Mundus with the arrival of Dark Mechanicus forces, including Traitor Titans corrupted by the Warp Powers. The Imperial Guard requires support. The closest battle group, Indictus, has been despatched to take down the war machines. The problem? Indictus is outnumbered and outgunned by their renegade foes. Princeps Prime Sythika will have to lead fearlessly and without flaw to defeat their superior opponents. When her own Titan recognises an ancient foe among the enemy ranks and seeks revenge, the plan threatens to fall apart, potentially taking with it all chance of victory.
Written by Gav Thorpe.