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Password Policy


When entering a new password or registering on the site your password must meet the requirements described below.

Please note that words such as "Warhammer" "Horus" and others which relate to our books and intellectual property, or are commonly used in passwords, are not allowed in order to prevent easy guessing of your password.

When changing your password you will not be able to use previous passwords.

Minimum number of lower case characters: 1
Minimum number of upper case characters: 0
Minimum number of special characters: 0
Maximum number of repeated characters: 10
Minimum number of numeric characters: 1
Minimum number of characters: 7
Can contain your email address: Yes

Minimum number of lower case characters: 1

Minimum number of upper case characters: 0

Minimum number of special characters: 0

Maximum number of repeated characters: 10

Minimum number of numeric characters: 1

Minimum number of characters: 7

Can contain your email address: Yes