Cancelling Orders
What is a cancellation?
When you buy from our webstore you generally have a right to cancel your order. For some types of products we sell, cancellation rights may not automatically apply because of the nature of the product.
No. | Type of Product | Right to Cancel |
1. | Printed books | Yes |
2. | Audio CDs | Yes |
3. | Audio MP3s | No* |
4. | eBooks | No* |
5. | Limited Edition or Collector's Edition | Yes |
6. | Print on Demand or Print to Order | No |
Cancelling an order you haven't received yet
The best way to cancel an order that you've yet to receive is to give our customer service team a call on +44 (0) 115 900 4069. If your order hasn't shipped yet, we can cancel it immediately, and if it has, we can arrange for you to return it once it arrives.
Cancelling an order you've already received
You'll need to return the items you've received before we can process your cancellation. You are responsible for looking after the product(s) in your order and returning them to us. You must pay the cost of the return.
Your right to cancel your order starts the moment you place your order and ends 7 working days from the day after you receive your goods.
You do not need a reason for cancelling your order - you just need to communicate that you want to cancel it to us within the time period specified above in writing to [email protected].
We will provide you with a full refund as soon possible after we have received your cancellation notice and no longer than 30 days after receipt of that notice.
In any instance where you cancel your entire order we will refund the delivery charges to you. We will not refund delivery charges if you only cancel part of your order.
We will only process the refund back to your original payment source. For example, if you have paid by debit or credit card we will only refund the money to the card you have paid with. The only exception to this is if the original payment card has expired, in which case we will contact you to arrange an alternate method.
*Goodwill cancellations for digital products
In addition to your legal rights above, we are happy to offer “goodwill” cancellations under certain conditions detailed below for digital products (being the products described under options numbered 3 and 4 in the table above).
“Goodwill” means we are happy to refund you for items you don't want, subject to our standard rules and exceptions – but please note that we are not legally required to do so.
Goodwill cancellations are subject to the following conditions:
The cancellation offer exists for only 48 hours, starting from when you place your order.
We will offer you a refund only if no attempt to download the product has been made.
At our discretion, we may decide to offer you either a credit to your online account or a refund back to your original payment source.
Returning Orders
What is a return?
In addition to your cancellation rights described above, you have a different set of rights to return the product to us and potentially claim a refund or exchange if the product delivered is not as required in accordance with the contract; for example, if the product arrives damaged.
In this circumstance, you must show us that the product delivered is not in accordance with the contract. We may ask you to return the product to us or supply evidence that the product delivered is not as required under the contract between us.
If we are satisfied that is the case, then we will either replace the product, or, at our discretion, offer you a refund or credit to your account with us.
If you wish to return a product, please contact our customer service representatives on +44 (0) 115 900 4069 or email us at [email protected]. If we ask you to return the product to us for inspection we will refund agreed postage costs of you sending the product back (if any). If the product is not faulty, we’ll return it to you at our cost. Any replacement products will be sent to you at our cost.
Returning Digital Products
Because of the nature of digital products, it is not generally possible for us to accept returns on eBooks, MP3 audiobooks and other such digital titles. If you experience a problem with such a product, please contact our customer service representatives on +44 (0) 115 900 4069 or email us at [email protected].
Timings for returns
Please be aware that because of the nature of some of our products, we may not be able to replace all returned products. Products that we may not be able to replace include but are not limited to titles where we may not have sufficient copies to replace any returned copies, or do we have capability to print any more.
We urge you to return any faulty products as soon as possible to ensure you have the greatest opportunity to exchange the product. If an exchange is not available, we will only be able to provide you with a credit to your account or refund (at our discretion, as described above).